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Monday, May 11, 2015

Info Post

You may have been hearing about this latest jam which is being used recently, and that is the Mtn simple server configuration that enables one to use a daily plan to browse unlimitedly for that duration subscribed. Note: no amount of Megabyte is stated.
You might have read its procedures on other people’s blogs and it appears to be a herculean task to accomplish. I promise you that by the time you finish this post, it will be so easy for you to deal with.
Before we get started, I want you to know that the workability has a little disadvantage. Others will not tell you but I will, it is the problem of Ram memory for Android phones. I encountered this problem when I first did mine but there’s a way to fix it. I will treat that latter. Just make sure your android phone is not slow or does not hangs, this will help.
Now let’s get back to business! To enjoy this wonderful package, you will need three softwares;
1.       Kingroot (to root your phone, don’t worry soon you will know what that means).
2.       Autoproxy
3.       Mtn simple Android server.
4.       Another is a N100 mtn airtime for subscribing for the bb daily plan for the start.
When you have the above softwares ready, then you are good to go. Now, take a deep breath and bam! Lets role.
Firstly,click  here to download simple server you have to create a new Apn (access point name) for your Mtn configuration. Just follow the steps below;
1.       On your Android phone, go to Settings.
2.       Click on More, it’s usually below Data usage.
3.       Click on Mobile networks
4.       Click on Access Point Names.
5.       Now you already have a default Mtn configuration but you have to create a new one by clicking the option button and clicking New Apn.
6.       Then do these: Name = Mtn
Proxy =
Port = 8080
7.       Click the option button on your phone and click Save.
8.       Then select the new Apn you created.
Secondly, proceed to the Simple Android Server you downloaded and follow the steps below.
1.       Click on Settings
2.       Injection Query =
3.       Injection Host =
4.       Injection line = press the enter key on your keyboard four times.
5.       Log Level = Debug.
6.       Once you are through click back and it saves automatically.
Thirdly, click here  to download autoproxy proceed to the Autoproxy you downloaded and click on the + sign above and do the following:
1.       Proxy Host =
2.       Proxy Port = 8080
Now load the Mtn airtime N100 and send “bbmidid” without quotes to 21600. You will get a text saying your bb subscription is on bla bla bla. Just ignore them, go to your data connection, and put it on. Go to the simple server and click start, minimize and go to the Autoproxy and click the number and click connect and after sometime it will turn from blue to green and computer sign appears on your notification bar. Dear friends, you are now good to download. If your connection is stopped or it stops browsing, go to the simple server and click start. Always make sure it is rotating. Note: if you are told that you have used 95% of your mb, just continue. It won’t stop until the next day.
Do not forget to leave your comments below, if any questions, they will be handled.


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