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Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Info Post

Technology has made everything so easy that all you can think of can actually be done now by the click of some buttons. The computer is now a part of man’s daily activity and as such effort is now being made to ease his operations when using it. There is a feature in computer know as Remote Desktop Connection (you can quickly find this by going to the search button and typing it) which allows one person using a computer to log into another person’s computer and perform whatever function he/she wants even if they are several kilometers apart. This feature requires one to input the computer name, IP address or Mac address (physical address) of the computer you wish to remote control and hit connect and the desktop screen of the person appears on your PC. This feature is widely in use as it saves people the stress of moving around in other to have access to a PC.
As we all know, Android is a popular Phone Os that has gained praises from not only private individuals but also technicians as it allows them ease their occupation. Remote controlling a Pc is one among many other operations that can be carried out on an Android. You can also install a full Operating System like Windows and Linux on your Android and this helps to make life easy. An Android is not just the name of a phone; it’s more of a mini computer.
Given the fact that an Android is an open source built based on the Linux Kernel, this allows programmers to be able to program so many applications for different utilities. For this aspect of Remote controlling, there are so many applications available on Google Play Store for Android. These include 2xd Client Connection, Remote Desktop  Client, 2x RDP Parallel and down the line. For this demonstration I will be using Remote Client to show how it works.
Remote Client is an application used to remote control your PC. What happens is that you input the computer’s IP address, the username and password on the application and connect. Immediately that PC logs off and on your Android the Pc screen will appear (logged in). For this to happen you have to be on the same network, though it can still be done from different networks located far apart but for the sake of this demonstration. I shall be using the same network created in the same location i.e. they will be connected to one network (Hotspot). Actually, being on the same network doesn’t mean you must have a connection using a Router. You can make use of an Android device to create a network i.e. Hotspot and then connect both the Pc and another Android device to it.
Note: the Android you used to create the Hotspot will serve as your Router as such you will need another Android to do the Remote connection or control. Or if you have a Hotspot connectify or any Hotspot activator on your Pc, it will serve. Just know that the remote device must be connected to a Wifi. (Important)
=== An Android Phone.
=== Another Android Phone or Wifi or Pc Hotspot activator software on that same PC. (The function of this is to create the network.) Note: with or without internet access.
=== A Computer and its IP address: to get this follow the steps below;
                Click on Start.
                Type Cmd and click or press Enter to open.
                On the command line interface press “ipconfig” without quotes and press Enter key.
                Locate and Copy down the IP address (example

Right click on Computer icon===properties===remote settings== remote.
Make sure it’s ticked as the image below.

 Put on your wifi to connect to the Hotspot or if you are using Hotspot activator put it on.

Put on your Wifi and connect to the Hotspot or Wifi available.
Note: both this Android and Pc must be connected to the same network or Hotspot.
Download and install RD Client and click Open.Click to download
On the top right hand, click the “+” to add a setting.

On the  pop up, select Desktop and fill as follows:
Host name or IP address: the copied IP address from Cmd example yours)
Username: Select “Add user account” then input the username and password of your PC and click save.
Click save.
Then Tap on the IP address on the screen to connect.
Immediately, your PC will be logged off and log in on your Android screen. That’s all.
To bring up the keyboard, click on the keyboard icon on the screen. 
To disconnect click your options button on the Android and click Home. To add another click on Options button on the Android key and click start new. 


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