Breaking News
Thursday, September 17, 2015

Info Post

The fact is every Rooted Android is supposed to have Busy Box installed. Busy Box Installer attempts to install a working version of Busy Box on your device. Busybox is a small executable that provides many UNIX tools. It is known as “The Swiss Army Knife of Embedded Linux”. Some applications may not work without Busybox installed. There are so many versions of Busybox available to be installed and not every phone accepts each version. When you attempt to install any and it refuses, try the version below it. These versions include Busybox v1.19, v1.18.4, v1.18.3, v1.18.2, v1.18.1 and down the line. There are also two installing locations namely /system/xbin/ and /system/bin/, not all phones accept the first location. You can select the second location if you have that problem. Just like many top apps, you need Root permission before installing it.
Download and install BusyBox Installer===Open App==Select Version (BusyBox v1.19)==Select  Location (/system/xbin/)==Tick Symlink busybox Applet==Install.


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