In this section, I will be showing you how to connect your
Android phone which has Simple Server application powering the data to your Pc.
Before going to this, go through my post on---------------- in other to set up
your Pc Simple Server and the Mozilla.
That is if you don’t know how to set
them up. After setting them up, connect your Simple Server and Autoproxy
application on your Android and make sure they are counting. Then you have to
put on your Hotspot in other for the Pc to detect it using Wifi. Follow the
steps below to put on the Hotspot:
Go to Menu and select Settings.
Click on More…
Click on Tethering and Hotspot
Put it on .
Put on your Wifi on your Pc and connect to the Android.
After connecting, run the Simple Server for Pc
and minimize. Open your Mozilla and begin to download. If it becomes
slow, you might want to make sure the Simple Server on the Android is still
rotating. If not, start the Simple Server again and continue. If you notice that
the simple server stops whenever the Android screen goes off, you can go to
Settings===Display==timeout and set it to never. This is to make sure its being
monitored by you.
I hope you enjoyed the post, use the comment box to express
yourself. If you have any problems, I am very delighted to help. Stay tuned
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