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Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Info Post

WhatsApp is now becoming the most populous and user friendly social network application in this part of the world. This is because it is easy to operate even by illiterates because of its structure. The Android Os is now taking the lead by updating its features to make it superb. So many features have been added to WhatsApp to improve its addictive nature to its users. One of these is the ability to use your pc to monitor and chat without applying any codes. This isn’t hack as it’s a custom way created by WhatsApp but its being neglected by people because they don’t know how its done. This is applicable using you’re Android phone. I haven’t tried it out on other phone Os.
1.       The Android phone you need to monitor and the WhatsApp installed in it.
2.       Your pc with internet connection.
How does this work? Its simple, there is a feature in the Android version of WhatsApp that enables you to scan a barcode on the WhatsApp web and it automatically transfers all your information to the pc and you can use the Pc to chat without disturbing the WhatsApp on the phone. Yes, the WhatsApp on the phone will be working properly, you can use it to perform its functions and the one on the Pc will also be working properly. They will both be used to chat with the friends on the list as it was originally on the Android application.
1.       Log in to your Android WhatsApp account.
2.       Click on the options to bring up the drop down menu.
3.       Select WhatsApp web and a camera with a horizontal line appears moving up and down the screen.
4.       On your browser on the Pc, log on to
5.       On the page, a barcode will appear.
6.       Using the camera from the step 3, place it to take a shot of only the barcode on the screen on the Pc.

7.       Immediately it captures this, it will display your WhatsApp chat environment on the pc and use it to chat just like you were using your phone.

1.       WINDOWS PHONES=è Open WhatsApp----Meny-----WhatsApp Web.
2.       BLACKBERRY 10 ==> Open WhatsApp---Swipe down from top of screen—WhatsApp Web.
3.       IPHONEè Open WhatsApp—Settings---WhatsApp Web.
4.       BLACKBERRY=è Open WhatsApp----Chats---Meny Keys---WhatsApp Web.
5.       NOKIA S60 ==è Open WhatsApp --- Menu---WhatsApp Web.

That is it, with it you can monitor and chat with any WhatsApp account you wish once you follow the above steps. To keep it logged in, you can click the check box to always stay logged in.
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